Malta Gaming Expo

Announcement: Cancellation of Malta Gaming Expo 2024

Dear Community,

We regret to announce that the Malta Gaming Expo 2024 has been canceled. Despite our best efforts to accommodate a more suitable time of year—just before kids return to school—there was still a lack of committed vendors for this year's event.

Last year, we listened to your feedback and made several improvements, not only did we do across two days as many of you suggested, but also:

  • Secured a better air-conditioned venue
  • Arranged a larger space for showcasing merchandise
  • Chose a more accessible location to reach the local population

All these changes were aimed at upgrading the Expo from last year. However, the event would still have been underwhelming, and we felt it would be unfair to those purchasing tickets to attend an incomplete event.

We firmly believe in doing things the right way. Our mission with the Expo is to bring the community together and show proper solidarity and we felt that proceeding under these circumstances would not reflect that mission. So we decided it was best to cancel.

We do not want the Expo to become a mere trade fair like other geek events have become. And while we understand that this event must essentially be lucrative for many of you, it’s the sense of community that has brought all of us this far.

For those who paid deposits, refunds have already been processed.

We are now planning MGE 2025 and welcome your constructive feedback on how we can improve and choose better dates for next year.

Thank you for your understanding and support.